Hunter Keefe is 24 years old and hails from Redington’s Mush Alaska kennel in Wasilla. It was his childhood dream to be a dog musher and he started mushing in 2018. He ran Kobuk 440 for the first time in 2019 and is excited about getting to come back to his favorite race and end the season on a positive note. He has also run the Knik 100 & 200, the Copper Basin 300, the Kuskokwim 300, the Goosebay 150 and the Iditarod. Some of his key dogs are Senior, Whip, Alex, and Taz and he is sponsored by Buffalo Wool Company. He would like to thank Raymie and Barb Redington, and his girlfriend Jessi Downey.
Kobuk 440
Kobuk 440 Racing Association PO Box 410 Kotzebue, Alaska 99752 K440 Office: 333 Shore Ave Rm 221 Race Week Headquarters: 306 Shore Ave Contact us! Web Contact Form [email protected] 907-442-4440 |